Analisa Algoritma Apriori Untuk Peminjaman Buku Pada Perpustakaan SMA 1 Silima Pungga-Pungga Parongil
Analisa Algoritma Apriori untuk Peminjaman Buku
Pola Pinjam, Buku Perpustakaan, Algoritma ApriorAbstract
The library has the role of helping students to love reading books. The availability of books in various fields motivates students to come to visit the library, students can read or borrow library books. For this reason, library officers apply the rules for visiting the library. The Apriori algorithm is a part of data mining, namely the search for high frequency patterns such as activities that often appear simultaneously. The pattern that will be analyzed is the pattern of borrowing any books that are often borrowed so that librarians know the information of books that are often borrowed. With the application of a priori algorithms, book data is processed to produce a book borrowing pattern. After all the high frequency patterns were found, then association rules were found that met the minimum requirements for associative confidence A → B minimum confidence = 25%. Rules for sequential final association based on minimum support and minimum confidence, if borrowing an IPA, then borrowing MTK Support = 15%, Confidence = 42.8%.
Keywords:Patterns of borrow of books, Library, Apriori Algorithms
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