E-Inventory Information System at PT. Resik Nyaman Sejahtera


  • Yudi Yudi STMIK Nusa Mandiri
  • Karlena Indriani Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika
  • Kresna Ramanda STMIK Nusa Mandiri




Information System, E-Inventory.


E-Inventory Information System at PT. Resik Nyaman Sejahtera. PT. Resik Nyaman Sejahtera is a company engaged in  cleaning  services  that  serve  cleaning  at  apartments  /  hotels,  restaurants,  hospitals,  universities,  schools, supermarkets,  villas,  factories,  offices,  government  offices  or  national  private  and  other  places.  Constraints faced by PT. Resik Nyaman Sejahtera in carrying out existing projects is still using the manual process in inventorying / stocking of goods in and out of the warehouse so that it is difficult to find data and control the in and out of inventory / stock of goods in warehouses for ongoing projects or those that have been finished. Because of that the author proposes a intranet  web-based e-inventory application that is made to overcome and minimize the problem.  Broadly speaking, the application designed or developed consists of the process of recording data of goods, goods entering and leaving the warehouse, inventory of goods, and inventory reports. The results of this study produce an e-inventory application system  that  provides  convenience  for  warehouse  staff  and  administrators  to  manage  and  control  inventory  in  the warehouse

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How to Cite

Yudi, Y., Indriani, K., & Ramanda, K. (2019). E-Inventory Information System at PT. Resik Nyaman Sejahtera. Sinkron : Jurnal Dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika, 3(2), 275-279. https://doi.org/10.33395/sinkron.v3i2.10073