Analysis of Braycurtis, Canberra and Euclidean Distance in KNN Algorithm


  • Annisa Fadhillah Pulungan North Sumatera University
  • Muhammad Zarlis North Sumatera University
  • Saib Suwilo North Sumatera University




Classification, K-Nearest Neighbor


Classification is a technique used to build a classification model from a sample of training data. One of the most popular classification techniques is The K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN). The KNN algorithm has important parameter that affect the performance of the KNN Algorithm. The parameter is the value of the K and distance matrix. The distance between two points is determined by the calculation of the distance matrix before classification process by the KNN. The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare performance of the KNN using the distance function. The distance functions are Braycurtis Distance, Canberra Distance and Euclidean Distance based on an accuracy perspective. This study uses the Iris Dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository. The evaluation method used id 10-Fold Cross-Validation. The result showed that the Braycurtis distance method had better performance that Canberra Distance and Euclidean Distance methods at K=6, K=7, K=8 ad K=10 with accuracy values of 96 %.

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How to Cite

Pulungan, A. F., Zarlis, M., & Suwilo, S. (2019). Analysis of Braycurtis, Canberra and Euclidean Distance in KNN Algorithm. Sinkron : Jurnal Dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika, 4(1), 74-77.

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