Comparison Of Cellular Video Quality For Object Detection Using Neural Network Convolution
Camera, Video, Human, Object, & Convolution Neural NetworkAbstract
Abstract— The purpose of this study is to compare the video quality between the Samsung HP camera and the Xiaomi HP camera. The object of study was UNPRI students who walked through the front yard of the UNPRI SEKIP campus. Here we test how accurate the camera's HP capture capacity is used to take the video. The method used to test this research is the Convolution Neural Network method. Object detection and recognition aim to detect and classify objects that can be applied to various fields such as face, human, pedestrian, vehicle detection (Pedoeem & Huang, 2018), besides the ability to find, identify, track and stabilize objects in various poses and important backgrounds in many real-time video applications. Object detection, tracking, alignment and stabilization have become very interesting fields of research in the vision and recognition of computer patterns due to the challenging nature of several slightly different objects such as object detection, where the algorithm must be precise enough to identify, track and center an object from the others
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