Analysis K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm for Improving Prediction Student Graduation Time


  • Rizki Muliono Universitas Medan Area
  • Juanda Hakim Lubis Universitas Medan Area
  • Nurul Khairina Universitas Medan Area




prediction, graduation time, k nearest neighbor


Higher education plays a major role in improving the quality of education in Indonesia. The BAN-PT institution established by the government has a standard of higher education accreditation and study program accreditation. With the 4.0-based accreditation instrument, it encourages university leaders to improve the quality and quality of their education. One indicator that determines the accreditation of study programs is the timely graduation of students. This study uses the K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm to predict student graduation times. Students' GPA at the time of the seventh semester will be used as training data, and data of students who graduate are used as sample data. K-Nearest Neighbor works in accordance with the given sample data. The results of prediction testing on 60 data for students of 2015-2016, obtained the highest level of accuracy of 98.5% can be achieved when k = 3. Prediction results depend on the pattern of data entered, the more samples and training data used, the calculation of the K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm is also more accurate.

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How to Cite

Muliono, R., Lubis, J. H., & Khairina, N. (2020). Analysis K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm for Improving Prediction Student Graduation Time. Sinkron : Jurnal Dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika, 4(2), 42-46.