Twitter Comment Predictions on Dues Changes BPJS Health In 2020


  • Riza Fahlapi STMIK Nusa Mandiri, Indonesia
  • Yan Rianto STMIK Nusa Mandiri, Indonesia




Bpjs Health, dues, predictions, comments, Twitter, Ensembles Vote


The Social Security Administering Body (BPJS) is a facility established by The government in providing services to citizens in The field of health welfare. The Spirit of cooperation in the utilization of health services which is very much currently a constraint in the budget is still insufficient in covering health services as a whole. For this reason, government policy is following with PERPRES No. 75 in 2019, the Government officially raised the BPJS Health contributions for 2020. The increase in BPJS Health contributions certainly caused a lot of comments. Namely Twitter, one of the social media that is used by the public to express disapproval or support for this government policy. This study, testing was carried out related to the prediction of comments from social media on community responses to the increase in BPJS Health contributions taken by the government. In the test carried out 3 (three) input algorithms. For every single algorithm including getting results through the K-NN method with an accuracy of 71.83% and AUC value of 0812, for the Naïve Bayes method produces an accuracy of 81.63% and AUC value of 0586. As for the C 4.5 method, the accuracy is 65.37% and the AUC value is 0628. While testing conducted through the Ensembles Vote method which combines the 3 algorithms above gives the best results with an accuracy of 80.10% and AUC value is 0871 for Twitter comment predictions.

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How to Cite

Fahlapi, R., & Rianto, Y. (2020). Twitter Comment Predictions on Dues Changes BPJS Health In 2020. Sinkron : Jurnal Dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika, 5(1), 170-183.