Internet of Things-based Agricultural Land Monitoring
Arduino Uno, NodeMCU ESP8266, Internet of Things, Agriculture, Monitoring Agricultural LandAbstract
Agriculture is an industrial sector that produces raw materials such as rice, corn, and agricultural products. In the current era, there should be no problem if there is a food shortage because society, industry, and education do not make a real contribution to supporting the agricultural industry. The state also needs good agricultural land, so that the state can fulfill the needs of its people. Without good agriculture, a country will not be able to meet the needs of its people. Modern society today is not or is rarely concerned with agriculture. Agriculture is carried out only by providing fertilizer, water, and land, paying attention to the quality of the agricultural land. One of the problems of declining agricultural production is crop failure. One of the reasons island for agriculture. Soil is the most important part of the world of agriculture. If the land is not cultivated then the land is difficult to become an ideal place for agriculture. The Internet of Things can be used as a solution to problems by tilling the soil and monitoring soil conditions. In conditions in the dry season, soil moisture needs to be done by water. In the rainy season, the land should not be flooded, let alone submerged and flooded. In order to maintain the balance of moisture and waterlogged soil, the Internet of Things is a solution for monitoring and managing agricultural land. Internet of Things is a device that can communicate with each other from one device to another, such as sensors and actuators. Good land cultivation makes agricultural land fertile. Agricultural land processing is maximized by adding a monitoring system for agricultural land using a micro-controller Arduino Uno, NodeMCU ESP8266, several sensors, and integrated devices. The purpose of this research is to make a prototype that is useful for monitoring agricultural land
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