Implementation of the RAD Method to Build Catering Application Android-based
With the rise of culinary businesses that sell food and beverages at this time, business actors must be ready to compete to win and retain their customers so that their business can survive. Ara Catering is one of the culinary business actors in Rantauprapat City which focuses on the food and beverage ordering business. The ordering process applied by Ara Catering is still conventional, where customers come directly to the business location or place an order by telephone. The conventional model turned out to cause problems, including errors in ordering and ordering notes that had piled up. Therefore, a solution must be found to overcome this problem. Based on these problems, this study aims to build an android-based catering ordering application. The method applied in this research is the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method in which the process stages include: requirements planning, user design, and implementation. After the design and implementation have been carried out, the results show that the RAD method can be applied in building an Android-based catering application quickly and effectively. The conclusion drawn from this research is that to build an android-based catering application using the RAD method, the phases of the method must be carried out thoroughly. Hopefully the results of this research can make a positive contribution to Ara Catering in developing its business.
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