Learning Fuzzy Neural Networks by Using Improved Conjugate Gradient Techniques


  • Hisham M. Khudhur 1Deparment of Mathematics , College of Computers Sciences and Mathematics , University of Mosul , Iraq
  • Khalil K. Abbo Department of Studies and planning, Presidency of telafer university, University of Telafer, Tall’Afar, Iraq




classification; conjugate gradient; Liu-Storey; fuzzy neural networks; numerical; optimization


One of the optimal approaches for learning a Takagi Sugeno-based fuzzy neural network model is the conjugate gradient method proposed in this research. For the PRP and the LS approaches, a novel algorithm based on the Liu-Storey (LS) approach is created to overcome the slow convergence. The developed method becomes descent and convergence by assuming some hypothesis. The numerical results show that the developed method for classifying data is more efficient than the other methods, as shown in Table (2), where the new method outperforms the others in terms of average training time, average training accuracy, average test accuracy, average training MSE, and average test MSE.

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How to Cite

Khudhur, H. M. ., & Abbo, K. . K. . . (2022). Learning Fuzzy Neural Networks by Using Improved Conjugate Gradient Techniques. Sinkron : Jurnal Dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika, 6(3), 767-776. https://doi.org/10.33395/sinkron.v7i3.11442