Superior Class to Improve Student Achievement Using the K-Means Algorithm





Clustering; iterations; K-Means; Student, Superior Class


The accumulation of new student data every year makes searching and processing data difficult, including selecting superior class students according to their talents and abilities. Therefore, the application of the K-Means Clustering data mining method is carried out to support decisions in grouping superior classes. The report card values ​​for each class were used as parameters with a data sample of 80 students and 3 clusters were taken which then resulted in the selection and distribution of superior classes. The purpose of the study was to classify students in the superior class so that they could improve student achievement at SMK Raksana 2 Medan. Results Based on the calculation of the variable distance at the initial centroid with a sample of 80 students and the third iteration, the WCV value is 360.9745 and the BCV value is 7.3575 with a ratio value of 0.0203. Each cluster, namely: Cluster 1 has 43 students including the superior class category. Cluster 2 has 18 students and Cluster 3 has 19 students. Clusters 2 and 3 are included in the regular class category with a total of 37 students. The web-based K-Means application can provide information and solutions needed by schools to classify and determine superior classes so that they can improve student achievement in schools. These results can be used by the school to analyze student achievement and can assist teachers in forming superior classes so as to motivate students to study harder.

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How to Cite

Syahputra, Y. H. ., & Hutagalung, J. (2022). Superior Class to Improve Student Achievement Using the K-Means Algorithm. Sinkron : Jurnal Dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika, 6(3), 891-899.