Perfomance analysis of Naive Bayes method with data weighting


  • Afdhaluzzikri Afdhaluzzikri Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
  • Herman Mawengkang Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
  • Opim Salim Sitompul Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia




Naïve Bayes, Gain Ratio, Air Quality, Water Quality, Accuracy.


Classification using naive bayes algorithm for air quality dataset has an accuracy rate of 39.97%. This result is considered not good and by using all existing data attributes. By doing pre-processing, namely feature selection using the gain ratio algorithm, the accuracy of the Naive Bayes algorithm increases to 61.76%. This proves that the gain ratio algorithm can improve the performance of the naive bayes algorithm for air quality dataset classification. Classification using naive bayes algorithm for air quality dataset. While the Water Quality dataset has an accuracy rate of 93.18%. These results are considered good and by using all the existing data attributes. By doing pre-processing, namely feature selection using the gain ratio algorithm, the accuracy of the Naive Bayes algorithm increases to 95.73%. This proves that the gain ratio algorithm can improve the performance of the naive bayes algorithm for air quality dataset classification. Classification using Naive Bayes algorithm for Water Quality dataset. Based on the tests that have been carried out on all data, it can be seen that the Weight nave Bayes classification model can provide better accuracy values ​​because there is a change in the weighting of the attribute values ​​in the dataset used. The value of the weighted Gain ratio is used to calculate the probability in Nave Bayes, which is a parameter to see the relationship between each attribute in the data, and is used as the basis for the weighting of each attribute of the dataset. The higher the Gain ratio of an attribute, the greater the relationship to the data class. So that the accuracy value increases than the accuracy value generated by the Naïve Bayes classification model. The increase in accuracy in the Naïve Bayes classification model is due to the number of weights from the attribute selection in the Gain ratio.

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How to Cite

Afdhaluzzikri, A., Mawengkang, H., & Sitompul, O. S. (2022). Perfomance analysis of Naive Bayes method with data weighting. Sinkron : Jurnal Dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika, 6(3), 817-821.

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