Application of Huffman Algorithm and Unary Codes for Text File Compression


  • Bayu Angga Wijaya Universitas Prima Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Sarwando Siboro Universitas Prima Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Mahendra Brutu Universitas Prima Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Yelita Kristiani Lase Universitas Prima Indonesia, Indonesia




Compression; Huffman; Unary Codes; Java; Algorithm;


Technique in carrying out data compression is an important point in technological developments. With compression in data in the form of text can include many uses, including for data transfer, copying and for backing up data. From its uses, this aspect is important for data security. There are many compression techniques on the data, including using huffman algorithms and unary code. One of its applications will be implemented on a text data that is widely used by digital actors in storing important data. The data must not be known by unauthorized parties in accessing the data. Therefore, huffman algorithms and unary code can solve this problem. By compressing the selected data also encrypts it as an extra security. The Huffman algorithm is a lossless compression algorithm or a technique that does not change the original data, by converting the unit of data content into bits. So this algorithm is widely used in the compression process. The Unary Codes algorithm is also a lossless compression technique that is generally used by combining several modification techniques. In this unary codes algorithm, each symbol in the string will be searched for its frequency. Then sorted from the last order (descending). The use of these two text data compression techniques results in a file size that is smaller than the original but can be returned to the original data

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How to Cite

Wijaya, B. A., Siboro, S. ., Brutu, M., & Lase, Y. K. (2022). Application of Huffman Algorithm and Unary Codes for Text File Compression. Sinkron : Jurnal Dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika, 6(3), 1000-1007.