UI/UX Design for Language Learning Mobile Application Chob Learn Thai Using the Design Thinking Method


  • Ayumas Aura Krishnavarty Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Wastukancana, Indonesia
  • Meriska Defriani Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Wastukancana, Indonesia
  • Teguh Iman Hermanto Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Wastukancana, Indonesia




Design Thinking, Learning Application, Mobile Application, Thai Language, Single Ease Question


Thai language is one of the most difficult languages to learn because the Thai language itself has a variety of consonants, vowels, and tones to determine vocabulary. The problem is people currently have in learning Thai is the lack of knowledge about each consonant, vowels, or tones. So that it makes some people who want to learn Thai feel confused. Therefore, a Thai language learning application design was made which aims to make it easier for people who want to learn Thai language and of course it is more practical because it is in a mobile form that can be accessed anywhere and anytime easily. Design thinking is a method known as a comprehensive thinking process that aims to create a solution. In design thinking are have five stages, namely Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test. At the test stage, the method used is Single Ease Question. The Single Ease Question has seven Likert scales where for a value range of 4 – 5.9 it is included in the interpretation quite easily, and in the range of 6 – 6.9 the interpretation is easy and for a value of 7, the interpretation is very easy. The result obtained after testing the prototype to the respondents the value obtained is 6.6 with a minimum value of 6 and a maximum value of 7. Thus, the result of 6.6 are included in the category of being easy to use by users.

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How to Cite

Krishnavarty, A. A. ., Defriani, M. ., & Hermanto, T. I. . (2022). UI/UX Design for Language Learning Mobile Application Chob Learn Thai Using the Design Thinking Method. Sinkron : Jurnal Dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika, 6(3), 1044-1053. https://doi.org/10.33395/sinkron.v7i3.11585

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