Analysis of Air Quality Measuring Device Using Internet of Things-Based MQ-135 Sensor


  • Delima Sitanggang Universitas Prima Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Chris Samuel Sitompul Universitas Prima Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Jao Han Suyanto Universitas Prima Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Sharen Kumar Universitas Prima Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Evta Indra Universitas Prima Indonesia, Indonesia




Air is a gas that is indispensable for the survival of living beings. As the times progress, the air we breathe is increasingly not good for the health of living beings. In most situations, humans cannot tell the difference between good and bad air conditions. The purpose of this research is to design a tool that can monitor air quality in many places using an Internet of Things-based concept, the MQ-135 gas sensor and display it on a 16x2 LCD and Blynk application. This study uses a direct test method to identify gases around the MQ-135 sensor with the NodeMCU ESP 8266 as a controller. Air quality is divided into 5 categories, which consists of good, average, unhealthy, very unhealthy, and dangerous. After the air quality value is displayed on the 16x2 LCD screen, the user can monitor the air quality remotely using the blynk application on the smartphone. It can be concluded that the design of this tool can detect air quality in classrooms, vehicle exhaust fumes, gas lighters, house rooms, and burned paper. If the air quality is bad, the buzzer will release the sound to notify that the air quality is poor according to the index of air quality.

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How to Cite

Sitanggang, D. ., Sitompul, C. S., Suyanto, J. H. ., Kumar, S. ., & Indra, E. . (2022). Analysis of Air Quality Measuring Device Using Internet of Things-Based MQ-135 Sensor. Sinkron : Jurnal Dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika, 6(3), 1078-1084.