Mobile-Based COVID-19 Vaccination Registration Application Prototype


  • Leon Andretti Abdillah Department of Information Systems, Universitas Bina Darma, Indonesia
  • Azka Kurniasti Department of Information Systems, Universitas Bina Darma, Indonesia




COVID-19, iOS, Prototype, Registration Application, Vaccine


Information technology-based applications have entered the era of mobile phones or smartphones such as those using the Android or iOS operating system. Mobile-based application development has become a trend for today's society. Especially during the global COVID-19 pandemic, almost all activities are carried out remotely through mobile-based applications. To prevent the spread of COVID-19, mass vaccines are given to the public. So that the process of administering the vaccine does not cause crowds, it is necessary to create a mobile-based application. So that the application can be further developed properly, it is necessary to make a prototype. The prototype consists of 5 (steps): 1) Quick plan, 2) Modeling Quick Design, 3) Construction of prototype, 4) Deployment Delivery & feedback, and 5) Communication.  In this research, the InVision design tool is used which can help design prototypes for both mobile and web versions. InVision has been widely used in making prototypes and is used by many digital companies in the world. The results obtained are in the form of a prototype application for the registration of vaccine participants via mobile phones and also the web. The programmers will easily translate the prototype results into a mobile-based application for the benefit of mobile phone-based online vaccine registration.

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How to Cite

Abdillah, L. A., & Kurniasti , A. . (2022). Mobile-Based COVID-19 Vaccination Registration Application Prototype. Sinkron : Jurnal Dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika, 6(3), 2152-2159.