Performance of Deep Learning Inception Model and MobileNet Model on Gender Prediction Through Eye Image
Convolutional Neural Network, InceptionV3, MobileNetV2, Gender ClassificationAbstract
Convolutional neural network (CNN) is one of the neural networks used in image data. CNN has a good ability to detect objects in an image. This study discusses the comparison of two deep learning models based on convolutional neural network, namely the Inception-V3 method and the MobileNet method. Both algorithms are analyzed fairly on gender classification using eye images. There have been many research completions that have conducted studies on gender classification based on faces, but gender classification based on eyes has many challenges. This gender classification is grouped into two classes, namely male and female. This study aims to build a gender classification model from eye image. The processes in this research include selecting the dataset, preprocessing the data, dividing the data which is divided into training data and test data, modeling, and evaluating the performance of the model. This study uses a public dataset, where the data contains a total of 2,681 images consisting of 1251 male eyes and 1430 female eyes. This study concludes that gender classification using eye image using the Inception-V3 method is better than the MobileNet method. This is obtained based on the accuracy value generated by the Inception-V3 method which is higher than the MobileNet-V2 method which obtains an accuracy of 91.82%.
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