Raw Material Weighing Application Through Visual-Based RS-232 Cable Port


  • Maya Sofhia Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Junio Fegri Wira Manawan Universitas Prima Indonesia




Raw material weighing, Application Through Visual-Based, RS-232 Cable Port


Officers who record incoming weighing data using a manual weighing machine experience difficulties when interacting with the weighing device. It is difficult to press the buttons, the storage memory cannot be more than three digits, and the display is difficult for officials to understand which can hinder the performance of recording the scales. Lack of capacity to store scale data on

Officers who record incoming weighing data using a manual weighing machine experience difficulties when interacting with the weighing device. It is difficult to press the buttons, the storage memory cannot be more than three digits, and the display is difficult for officials to understand which can hinder the performance of recording the scales. Lack of capacity to store scale data on machine, so it can only store a maximum of 3 data scales. Inflexible on-machine data storage system. That is, the data scales that have been stored cannot be moved apart from within the machine itself. The large size of the machine is enough to take up space. So it is necessary to design a signal connection path from the scales to the computer via cable. With a computerized weighing application through the RS-232 communication port, where data input can be done using a visual-based weighing application. This data is then processed and produces an accurate report according to the data recorded by the scales. The testing process is carried out by entering data on the scales 19 times along with the check-in and check-out process for each incoming truck of raw materials for transportation. The testing process is carried out so that the application can run properly.

machine, so it can only store a maximum of 3 data scales. Inflexible on-machine data storage system. That is, the data scales that have been stored cannot be moved apart from within the machine itself. The large size of the machine is enough to take up space. So it is necessary to design a signal connection path from the scales to the computer via cable. With a computerized weighing application through the RS-232 communication port, where data input can be done using a visual-based weighing application. This data is then processed and produces an accurate report according to the data recorded by the scales. The testing process is carried out by entering data on the scales 19 times along with the check-in and check-out process for each incoming truck of raw materials for transportation. The testing process is carried out so that the application can run properly.

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How to Cite

Sofhia, M., & Manawan, J. F. W. M. (2023). Raw Material Weighing Application Through Visual-Based RS-232 Cable Port. Sinkron : Jurnal Dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika, 7(1), 590-594. https://doi.org/10.33395/sinkron.v8i1.12158