Modelling of Subject Scheduling Systems Using Hybrid Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
Artificial Bee Colony Hybrid Algorithm, Metaheuristic, Modelling, SimulationAbstract
A common schedule problem found in colleges is the positioning of courses in a certain space and time. This placement process often encounters barriers that must be met so that there is no imbalance in the school schedule. One of the problems that often arise is the placement of class capacity that does not match the course requirements. In this study, the researchers used the Artificial Bee Colony Hybrid Algorithm (HABC) to construct course schedules efficiently at the college. The objective of the research was to develop a course scheduling system using the HABC algorithm by combining the Engineering of Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) and genetic algoritms, especially on the crossover process to better address the schedule problems. The research procedure used is to design and implement a course scheduling system using the Hybrid ABC algorithm. The results of the research demonstrate that the Hybrid ABC algorithm is effective in generating optimal course schedule schedules, in line with time limits, room needs, and lecturer requirements and can automate course schedule processes, saving time and resources, while ensuring optimal schedules.
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