Two-Stage Sentiment Analysis on Indonesian Online News Using Lexicon-Based

A study case at online new unilateral layoffs at Company XYZ


  • Vinardo Universitas Pradita, Serpong, Banten, Indonesia
  • Ito Wasito Universitas Pradita, Serpong, Banten, Indonesia




InSet, Lexicon Indonesia Dictionary, Sentiment Analysis, Sentiment Indonesia News, SentiStrength_ID, Two Stages Sentiment Analysis, VADER Lexicon based


The image of a supplier company is often associated with the well-known brand it supplies, and its reputation can be influenced by online news circulation. To maintain a positive image, it is crucial for the company to monitor and manage online news to rectify any false information. Failure to maintain a good company image can lead to customer order loss and even company shutdown.

This paper aims to conduct a two-stage sentiment analysis on Indonesian news articles regarding unilateral layoffs by company XYZ. The first stage will analyze sentiment in the circulating news about the layoffs, while the second stage will assess sentiment after the company releases a press release to provide accurate information. The VADER lexicon-based method, utilizing the InSet and SentiStrength_ID Indonesian dictionaries, will be employed to analyze sentiment before and after the press release. This will enable us to compare sentiment and evaluate the effectiveness of the press release and the Indonesian dictionaries in analyzing sentiment in the news. The research findings indicate that the company's press release, aimed at correcting false information, had a positive impact by reducing negative sentiment and generating a more positive sentiment in the second stage. Moreover, the selection of the sentiment analysis dictionary also plays a critical role in determining the sentiment analysis results.

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Author Biography

Ito Wasito, Universitas Pradita, Serpong, Banten, Indonesia

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How to Cite

Vinardo, & Wasito, I. (2023). Two-Stage Sentiment Analysis on Indonesian Online News Using Lexicon-Based : A study case at online new unilateral layoffs at Company XYZ . Sinkron : Jurnal Dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika, 7(4), 2109-2119.