Development of Expert System Application to Detect Chicken Disease using the Forward Chaining Method
Chicken; Detection; Disease; Expert System; Forward ChainingAbstract
Chicken is the most widely kept and consumed poultry in Indonesia. Due to the large population of poultry, a variety of diseases have also emerged, from minor diseases to diseases that can kill chickens and infect humans. As a result of these diseases, there are implications for the losses suffered by chicken farmers. Most farmers find it very difficult to identify chicken diseases due to their lack of knowledge. On the other hand, expecting treatment from a veterinarian or expert is very limited and expensive. Therefore, a system is needed that can easily help chicken farmers detect diseases in their pet chickens. This research aims to build an expert system to detect chicken diseases by applying the forward chaining method. The expert system is implemented as a web-based application. The research stages start with identifying problems, collecting data, creating a knowledge base and production rules, building applications, and getting results. The results showed that the forward chaining method provides convenience in detecting chicken diseases. This is proven by only selecting the symptoms of the disease that appear, and then the application will provide conclusions regarding what type of disease is being suffered by chickens. In addition, this application also provides information related to ways of handling and control that can be done to overcome the chicken disease. Hopefully, the results of this research can facilitate chicken farmers in identifying and handling diseases effectively and efficiently.
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