Analysis of User Adoption Levels of JAKI Application Using the Government Adoption Model (GAM)


  • Zahra Anadya Kirani School of Computing, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Rio Guntur Utomo School of Computing, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Faris Fathoni School of Computing, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia




Adoption of e-Gov, e-government, Government Adoption Model (GAM), JAKI application, User Adoption Levels


This study delves into an analysis of the adoption patterns within the Jakarta Today e-government application (JAKI) through the dual lenses of the Government Adoption Model (GAM) and the Structural Equation Model (SEM). Encompassing JAKI users aged 17 years and above, the research encapsulates a substantial sample size of 384 individuals. The research findings underscore the pivotal role of key factors in driving e-Government adoption within the context of JAKI. Notably, Perceived Service Response, Perceived Trust, Perceived Uncertainty, Perceived Security, and Privacy collectively wield a significant and affirmative impact on the Adoption of e-Gov. However, intriguingly, factors including Perceived Awareness, Computer-self Efficacy, Availability of Resources, Perceived Ability to Use, Perceived Compatibility, Perceived Functional Benefit, Perceived Image, Perceived Information Quality, and Multilingual Option do not exert a notable influence on the Adoption of e-Gov. These insights proffer invaluable guidance for the Jakarta City Government, facilitating an enhanced understanding of user perceptions and needs. By meticulously addressing the determinative factors that engender a favorable adoption environment, the government stands poised to elevate the efficacy and reach of its e-government service, thus fostering greater citizen engagement and interaction with the JAKI application.

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How to Cite

Kirani, Z. A., Utomo, R. G., & Fathoni, M. F. (2023). Analysis of User Adoption Levels of JAKI Application Using the Government Adoption Model (GAM). Sinkron : Jurnal Dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika, 7(4), 2372-2380.