Exploring YOLOv8 Pretrain for Real-Time Detection of Indonesian Native Fish Species





Detection Fish Head and Tail, Deep Learning, Pre-Trained, YOLO Architecture, Ultralytics


The main objective of this research is to determine the efficacy of the YOLO model in detecting native fish species found in Indonesia. Indonesia has a variety of maritime natural resources and shows significant diversity. This research utilizes the YOLO architecture, previously trained on several datasets, for fish detection in the environment in Indonesian waters. This dataset consists of various fish species native to Indonesia and was used to retrain the YOLO Pretrain model. The model was evaluated using test data that accurately represents Indonesian water conditions. Empirical findings show that the modified YOLO Pretrain model can accurately recognize these fish in real-time. After utilizing YOLO and Pre-Train with Ultralytics YOLO Version 8.0.196, the results show an accuracy of 92.3% for head detection, 86.9% for tail detection, and an overall detection accuracy of 89.6%. The fish image dataset, consisting of a total of 401 images, is categorized into three subsets: the training dataset, which consists of 255 images; the validation dataset, which includes 66 images; and the testing dataset, which contains 80 images. This research has great potential for application in fisheries monitoring, marine biology research, and marine environmental monitoring. A real-time fish detection system for the Identification and tracking of fish species is carried out by researchers and field workers. The findings of this research provide a valuable contribution to ongoing efforts aimed at conserving marine biodiversity and implementing more sustainable management practices in Indonesia.

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How to Cite

Hindarto, D. (2023). Exploring YOLOv8 Pretrain for Real-Time Detection of Indonesian Native Fish Species. Sinkron : Jurnal Dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika, 7(4), 2776-2785. https://doi.org/10.33395/sinkron.v8i4.13100

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