Laptop Recommender System Using the Hybrid of Ontology-Based and Collaborative Filtering
collaborative filtering, conversational recommender system, laptop recommender system, ontology-based recommender system, recommender systemAbstract
In the era of ever-evolving information technology, choosing the best laptop can be a complicated task for many users. The increasing complexity of technical specifications is often an obstacle, especially for users who need help understanding them. In addressing this challenge, we propose a solution: a laptop recommendation system that considers users' preferences and functional needs. We designed this system to help users choose a laptop that suits their daily functional needs. This system uses a form of Conversational Recommender System (CRS) by combining Ontology-Based Recommender System Filtering and Collaborative Filtering (CF). Ontology-Based Recommender System Filtering ensures a strong relationship between functional needs and technical specifications of laptops, making it easier for users to identify the right laptop. At the same time, Collaborative Filtering (CF) can provide diversity to the recommended products by using similar user preference data. We evaluate the accuracy of our system by calculating the success rate of recommendation accuracy with the accuracy metric, and the evaluation results show that the success rate of recommendation accuracy reaches 93.33%. Our system is highly effective in assisting users in choosing a laptop that suits their functional needs. With our laptop recommendation system, users can confidently select the correct laptop without being burdened by technical specifications, thus making their lives easier and more productive.
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