Sentiment Analysis of the 2024 Indonesia Presidential Election on Twitter


  • Lisyana Damayanti Telkom University
  • Kemas Muslim Lhaksmana School of Computing, Study Program of Informatics, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia




This analysis enables the identification and a deeper understanding of the positive and negative sentiments reflected in online conversations, providing a comprehensive view of the direction of public support and preferences regarding presidential candidates. Sentiment analysis through machine learning can manage extensive sentiment data, ensuring time efficiency, and enhancing accuracy in swiftly and comprehensively comprehending people's opinions and preferences. With these advantages, machine learning-based sentiment analysis has gained popularity as an effective choice for understanding people's perspectives, preferences, and responses to various issues and events. Therefore, this research focuses on sentiment analysis regarding public opinions on the 2024 presidential election. The method employed in this research is the SVM algorithm with Word2Vec feature extraction. The researcher is interested in conducting a study related to sentiment analysis of the 2024 Indonesian Presidential election using the Support Vector Machine algorithm because of its high accuracy compared to other algorithms. The use of feature extraction aims to improve the performance and effectiveness of the algorithm, and Word2Vec is chosen because it can represent contextual similarity between two words in the generated vectors, enabling concise and improved text classification based on context. The results of this research indicate the best performance at 80:20 ratio with a precision score of 88,94%, Recall 93.08%, F1-score 90,43% and accuracy of 90,75%. This study's results outperform prior research using the SVM method, which achieved an 82,3% accuracy.

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How to Cite

Damayanti, L. ., & Lhaksmana, K. M. . (2024). Sentiment Analysis of the 2024 Indonesia Presidential Election on Twitter. Sinkron : Jurnal Dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika, 8(2), 938-946.