Implementation of Cloud Run and Cloud Storage as REST API Service on OutfitHub Application


  • Derryl Reflando Tarigan Telkom University
  • Muhammad Irsan Telkom University
  • Muhammad Faris Fathoni Telkom University




The development of Cloud Computing technology has progressed rapidly in recent years especially with the emergence of Google Cloud Services (GCR) which has become one of the leading cloud service providers. This research focuses on the OutfitHub application, which plays a role in assisting users in determining clothing styles using a personalized recommendation system. In developing this application, the research seeks to implement cloud computing services to improve application performance. The purpose of this research is to implement Cloud Computing, especially Cloud run and Cloud Storage services as Rest API in the Outfithub application. By implementing these two services, it is expected that there is no need to pay attention to the problem of Storage needs that are growing at any time and no need to worry about the need for server configuration because both of these things will be fully done by GCR. Implementing Cloud Computing will provide a variety of benefits in addition to those previously mentioned, such as: being able to access data from anywhere and at any time. This implementation is expected to be able to run OutfitHub applications in a Cloud environment in a serverless computing manner without requiring the design of unnecessary virtual machines.

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How to Cite

Tarigan, D. R., Muhammad Irsan, & Muhammad Faris Fathoni. (2024). Implementation of Cloud Run and Cloud Storage as REST API Service on OutfitHub Application. Sinkron : Jurnal Dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika, 8(2).