Prediction of Stunting in Toddlers Using Bagging and Random Forest Algorithms


  • Juwariyem Insitut Informatika dan Bisnis Darmajaya
  • Sriyanto Institut Informatika dan Bisnis Darmajaya
  • Sri Lestari Institut Informatika dan Bisnis Darmajaya
  • Chairani Institut Informatika dan Bisnis Darmajaya




Prediction, Stunting, Bagging, Random Forest


Stunting is a condition of failure to thrive in toddlers. This is caused by lack of nutrition over a long period of time, exposure to repeated infections, and lack of stimulation. This malnutrition condition is influenced by the mother's health during pregnancy, the health status of adolescents, as well as the economy and culture and the environment, such as sanitation and access to health services. To find out predictions of stunting, currently we still use a common method, namely Secondary Data Analysis, namely by conducting surveys and research to collect data regarding stunting. This data includes risk factors related to stunting, such as maternal nutritional status, child nutritional intake, access to health services, sanitation, and other socioeconomic factors. This secondary data analysis can provide an overview of the prevalence of stunting and the contributing factors. To overcome this, the right solution is needed, one solution that can be used is data mining techniques, where data mining can be used to carry out analysis and predictions for the future, and provide useful information for business or health needs. Based on this analysis, this research will use the Bagging method and Random Forest Algorithm to obtain the accuracy level of stunting predictions in toddlers. Bagging or Bootstrap Aggregation is an ensemble method that can improve classification by randomly combining classifications on the training dataset which can reduce variation and avoid overfitting. Random Forest is a powerful algorithm in machine learning that combines decisions from many independent decision trees to improve prediction performance and model stability. By combining the Bagging method and the Random Forest algorithm, it is hoped that it will be able to provide better stunting prediction results in toddlers. This research uses a dataset with a total of 10,001 data records, 7 attributes and 1 attribute class. Based on the test results using the Bagging method and the Random Forest algorithm in this research, the results obtained were class precision yes 91.72%, class recall yes 98.84%, class precision no 93.55%, class recall no 65.28%, and accuracy of 91.98%.

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How to Cite

Juwariyem, Sriyanto, Sri Lestari, & Chairani. (2024). Prediction of Stunting in Toddlers Using Bagging and Random Forest Algorithms. Sinkron : Jurnal Dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika, 8(2), 947-955.