Design E-Learning User Interface On Website-Based Edspert.Id With Kansei Engineering Methods
E-learning, User Interface, Kansei Engineering, Principal Component Analysis. Partial Least SquareAbstract
The development of information technology has encouraged people to rely on information systems, especially through websites. Websites provide easy access to information and learning with various educational materials. Although e-learning has been implemented in many educational websites, Edspert. id, a company in the education sector, has not implemented it yet. User interface design development is one of the important processes in e-learning website development. A user interface that is easy to use will improve the learning experience of learners. This research proposes a solution to design the user interface of e-learning website by using the Kansei Engineering method. This approach has been done beforefor web-based e-learning based on users' emotions. Principal component analysis (PCA) is used to reduce Kansei Word variables that are relevant to users' emotions. The e-learning website element design was then designed based on the PCA results. The next step is to determine the design elements in the e-learning design. Then, partial Least Square (PLS) was used to analyze the relationship between Kansei Word and element design. The results show that there multiuser interface design has two concepts whose element designs are in accordance with user needs.
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