A Literature Review: Development of Electronic Medical Records In Hospital Management Information Systems


  • Dhau 'Atha Yudhistira Health Administration and Policy, Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University SurabayaAlumni of Faculty of Medicine
  • Ernawaty Health Administration and Policy, Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University SurabayaAlumni of Faculty of Medicine
  • Nadena Majeda Dien Pratami Alumni, University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta




cost-effectiveness; Acceptance; Hospital Information System; and Computerized Physician Order Entry


Introduction: Health technology today is developing very quickly from the initially conventional using paper to being computerized. This literature review aims to map and critically summarize the scientific evidence on the cost-effectiveness and acceptability of Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) and Electronic Health Reports. This Journal have Question that need to be answered how does the development of CPOE in medical records affect cost-effectiveness improvement so that it can be accepted by many parties? Method used in this journal is literature review is conducted on journal articles related to costs and receipts in CPOE. The systematic search was conducted from 5 databases namely PubMed, Science Direct, ProQuest, DOAJ and Ebscohost. Journal articles are selected and selected following PRISMA guidelines. Twenty-five journal articles qualified based on predetermined criteria. At the end as result, Cost-effectiveness with CPOE is more likely to be found that it is easier to reach compared to conventional methods. In addition, the acceptance of patients and health workers is also high. These factors can have a positive or negative influence on the hospital management system because developing countries still need adequate resources so that they can run these methods. Discussion and conclusion CPOE systems can improve patient safety by detecting drug interactions and actions. It is necessary to develop medical records in order to provide effective financing and acceptance.

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How to Cite

Yudhistira, D. ’Atha, Ernawaty, & Nadena Majeda Dien Pratami. (2024). A Literature Review: Development of Electronic Medical Records In Hospital Management Information Systems . Sinkron : Jurnal Dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika, 8(3), 1302-1312. https://doi.org/10.33395/sinkron.v8i3.13713