An IT Governance Analysis in Interior Contracting Industry: A COBIT 2019 Approach


  • R Wahyu Indra Susatyo Pradita University
  • Eko Indrajit Pradita University, Indonesia
  • Erick Dazki Pradita University, Indonesia




COBIT 2019, ERP, Information Technology Governance, Interior Contractor, Project Management


The very rapid development of technology is currently having an impact on every industry, which must adapt by carrying out technological transformation to survive and have added value for customers.  Many businesses, including interior contractors, use a variety of hardware and software, as well as information systems, to streamline their business processes.  Under these conditions, the importance of strong IT governance to ensure that the implementation of IT investments continues to provide great benefits for the company's progress has been considered a top priority.  This research explores how IT governance functions in this industry using COBIT 2019, a leading evaluation framework. The main areas of COBIT 2019 will be used to assess a company's IT capabilities. This study focused on an interior contractor company in Serpong, Indonesia, which was already using enterprise resource planning (ERP) and project management software. The analysis identified 12 out of 40 domains that need improvement to achieve certain target levels. These agreed targets aim to improve IT capabilities, such as reducing dependence on external vendors for system development and creating clear standards for managing technological change. Despite these recommendations, further investigation revealed a gap between the desired and current conditions. This research proposes solutions to bridge this gap, including achieving greater IT system independence and establishing clear guidelines for navigating technological advances.

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How to Cite

Susatyo, R. W. I., Indrajit, E., & Dazki, E. . (2024). An IT Governance Analysis in Interior Contracting Industry: A COBIT 2019 Approach. Sinkron : Jurnal Dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika, 8(4), 2142-2154.

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