Performance Single Linkage and K-Medoids on Data with Outliers


  • Caecilia Bintang Girik Allo Universitas Cenderawasih
  • Winda Ade Fitriya B Universitas Cenderawasih, Indonesia
  • Nicea Roona Paranoan Universitas Cenderawasih, Indonesia




One way to assess the economic growth of a province is by examining its Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP). GRDP calculated through the production approach reflects the total value added by goods and services from various sectors within a particular region over a specified period. To determine the GRDP, 17 business sectors are considered. In 2023, the GRDP growth rate in Papua has decreased to 3.44%, down from 4.11% the previous year. To help the government improve Papua’s GRDP, an analysis is required. Clustering methods can group regencies and cities with similar characteristics. Boxplots are used to identify outliers in the data. The data contains outliers, so one method that can be used is K-Medoids. Euclidean Distance is used to calculate the distance matrix. Before calculating the distances, standardization using z-score normalization is performed to ensure that the data ranges are the same. This article aims to identify the most effective method for clustering regencies and cities in Papua using GRDP at constant price data. Both Single Linkage and K-Medoids methods are applied in this study. The DBI is used for evaluation, with lower DBI values indicating better methods. According to the DBI results, Single Linkage outperforms K-Medoids for clustering regencies and cities in Papua, with the optimal number of clusters being three.

Keywords: Euclidean Distance; Davies Bouldin Index (DBI); Gross Regional Domestic Bruto; K-Medoids; Single Linkage; z-score Normalization

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How to Cite

Allo, C. B. G., B, W. A. F. ., & Paranoan, N. R. . (2024). Performance Single Linkage and K-Medoids on Data with Outliers. Sinkron : Jurnal Dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika, 8(4), 2185-2191.