Implementation of Case-Based E-Consultation to Handle Student’s Stress Levels
e-counselling; case-based reasoning; stress; studentsAbstract
Despite the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic's end, the effects of some cases persist in the new normal era of 2023. Several cases indicate a decline in the learning motivation of students and university students, which significantly affects aspects of understanding, creativity, productivity, and learning outcomes. University students transition from learners who, during their high school years, spent more time studying online without directly interacting with peers or teachers. One of the causes of university student dropouts is internal issues due to students' inability to adapt to the university environment. The purpose of this research is to compile cases frequently experienced by university students that cause stress and lead to the decision to discontinue their studies. This is done to find solutions and prevent similar incidents from recurring. The implementation of e-counselling helps provide solutions in the form of action recommendations on how to address student issues. We conducted the research in several stages, including data collection, literature review, modelling, model evaluation, and prototype building and testing. We obtained the solution to the collected cases from the counsellor through a focus group discussion (FGD). This research employs case-based reasoning, utilizing four reasoning processes: retrieve, reuse, revise, and retain. We chose the modified weighted average similarity function to measure the case's similarity value with the cases in the case base. Through the case-based e-counselling system, the calculation results reveal the similarity between the new case and the old cases, recommending actions that counsellors have validated as valid solutions.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Frestiany Regina Putri, Artika Fristi Firnawati , Shifa Andila

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