Prediction of Organic Waste Deposits in Compost Houses using LSTM and ARIMA Algorithms
Machine Learning, Smart Waste Management, ARIMA, LSTM, Predictive ModelsAbstract
Indonesia faces a significant waste problem and is becoming a global challenge, mainly due to inadequate food waste management. In Kendal District, the Environmental Agency struggles to optimize waste collection and predict the volume of organic waste. To address this issue, this study explores the application of predictive technology and data analysis to improve the efficiency of waste management. Two predictive models, ARIMA and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), were developed and compared by collecting historical data from Kendal Organic Compost House from 2020-2024 while for train and test data using data from January 2, 2023, to December 30, 2023. The ARIMA model showed better accuracy, capturing stable trends and seasonal patterns in the time series data, with an MSE of 72,799.49. Meanwhile, the LSTM model, although capable of handling non-linear and complex patterns, performed poorly with an MSE of 54,711,498,631,770.58, indicating a failure to accommodate sharp fluctuations in the data. These findings highlight the suitability of ARIMA for data with low volatility and strong seasonality, making it more reliable for short-term predictions. The results of this study are expected to assist the Kendal District Environmental Agency in planning efficient waste management strategies, optimizing compost house operations, and improving resource allocation. Future research should focus on the integration of external variables, such as weather and population dynamics, and explore hybrid models for better prediction.
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