Evaluation of Clustering Algorithms for Identifying Shoe Characteristics Patterns at XYZ Footwear


  • William Watasendjaja Pradita University
  • Billy Chandra
  • Ito Wasito




deep autoencoder, k-means clustering, pattern identification, shoe characteristics, support vector clustering


As the third-largest shoe-exporting country in the world, Indonesia faced a 25% decline in shoe exports in 2023 compared to the year before, both in terms of net weight and sales value. This decline in shoe exports occurred due to the increase of complexity and variety in customer orders to shoe manufacturers. These reasons require shoe manufacturers to enhance their production planning systems to become more efficient and competitive. To address this problem, this study explores the application of clustering algorithms to optimize the production planning process in shoe manufacturing companies. Using a case study at XYZ Footwear, clustering algorithms such as K-Means, Support Vector Clustering (SVC), and Deep Autoencoder were evaluated and compared to find the most effective algorithms in identifying patterns in shoe characteristics, thereby improving shoe manufacturers' production planning process. The datasets consist of the 2024 production season data, categorized into shoe categories, models, and variants, and purchase orders. The result shows that the combination of Deep Autoencoder and K-Means has better performance than just K-Means or Support Vector Clustering (SVC), achieving a silhouette score of 0.4822 and a Davies-Bouldin Index (DBI) of 0.6741. These findings highlight the effectiveness of combining deep learning (Deep Autoencoder) with clustering algorithms (K-Means) in identifying patterns in shoe characteristics.

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How to Cite

Watasendjaja, W., Chandra, B., & Wasito, I. (2025). Evaluation of Clustering Algorithms for Identifying Shoe Characteristics Patterns at XYZ Footwear. Sinkron : Jurnal Dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika, 9(1), 259-266. https://doi.org/10.33395/sinkron.v9i1.14332