Grape disease detection using dual channel Convolution Neural Network method


  • Mawaddah Harahap Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Valencia Angelina Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Fenny Juliani Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Celvin Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Oscar Evander Universitas Prima Indonesia




Digital Image, Dual-Channel Convolution Neural Network, Gabor Filter Method, Grape Disease, Segmentation Based Fractal Co-Occurrence Texture Analysis Method


Grapes are one type of fruit that is usually used to make grape juice, jelly, grapes, grape seed oil and raisins, or to be eaten directly. So far, checking for disease in grapes is still done manually, by checking the leaves of the grapes by experts. This method certainly takes a long time considering the extent of the vineyards that must be evaluated. To solve this problem, it is necessary to apply a method of detecting grape disease, so that it can help the common people to detect grape disease. This research will use the Dual-Channel Convolutional Neural Network method. The process of detecting grape disease using the DCCNN method will begin with the extraction of the leaves from the input image using the Gabor Filter method. After that, the Segmentation Based Fractal Co-Occurrence Texture Analysis method will be used to extract the features, color, and texture of the extracted leaves. The result is the number of datasets will affect the accuracy of the results of disease identification using the DCCNN method. However, more datasets will cause the execution process to take longer. Changes in the angle and frequency values in the Gabor method at the time of testing will reduce the accuracy of the test results. The conclusion of this study are the DCCNN method can be used to detect the type of leaf disease in grapes and the number of datasets will affect the accuracy of the results of disease identification using the DCCNN method.

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How to Cite

Harahap, M., Angelina, V., Juliani, F. ., Celvin, & Evander, O. (2021). Grape disease detection using dual channel Convolution Neural Network method . Sinkron : Jurnal Dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika, 5(2), 314-324.