Design of IoT-Based Tomato Plant Growth Monitoring System in The Yard


  • Isnan Nugraha Marcheriz Universitas Bina Darma
  • Endah Fitriani Universitas Bina Darma




monitoring, tomato plants, IoT, ESP32-CAM, Micro-Controler


The development of tomato plants to produce good fruit cannot
be separated from environmental factors that affect their growth and
development of tomato plants. These factors include soil moisture, soil pH,
temperature, or the amount of light received by tomato plants. The need for
water in tomato plants is also very important for their continued growth.
Monitoring the development of tomato plants in home gardens based on
IoT (Internet of Things) is a monitoring system that utilizes IoT technology
to collect, transmit, and analyze data about tomato plants in real-time. In
this system, sensors connected to the internet network will be installed on
tomato plants to measure several parameters such as soil moisture, air
temperature, light intensity, and soil nutrient / pH levels in plants. The
collected data will be sent to an IoT platform that will be able to analyze the
data. The results of the analysis will be used to make decisions regarding
plant care, such as providing water or nutrients that the plants need to grow
properly. With cameras to monitor the physical development of the plants,
plant height, and fruit development. With this system, communities and
farmers can grow tomato plants and can monitor and control plant
conditions in real-time through smartphone applications. By utilizing IoT
technology, monitoring the development of tomato plants becomes more
efficient and accurate. Communities and farmers can take preventive
measures to avoid plant disorders and diseases before it's too late, to
increase the production and quality of crops.

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How to Cite

Marcheriz, I. N., & Fitriani, E. (2023). Design of IoT-Based Tomato Plant Growth Monitoring System in The Yard. Sinkron : Jurnal Dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika, 7(2), 762-770.