Web-Based Thesis Management Information System Design


  • Yopi Nugraha Sistem Informasi, Ilmu Terapan dan Sains, Institut Pendidikan Indonesia




Information system, Analysis, Designing, Thesis, SDLC, PHP and MySQL


One of the academic activities that still uses manuals is the submission of
a final assignment or thesis. Submission of the final assignment at starts from
submitting a title which is filled out through a form then submitted to the head of the
study program for review and approval. After the verification is complete, students
can immediately take part in pre-Thesis Proposal Seminar provisional guidance and
when finished, they can immediately take part in the proposal seminar as well as the
assembly. the system that runs at arrowroot in presenting information on student
final assignments it is still manual, namely using bookkeeping/paper, submission of
data which makes the provision of information quite long and the data is easily
scattered until it is lost. It can be observed from the opportunities and business where
there is a management system that allows researchers to implement a system with
the concept of an online thesis management system with a website-based application
so that student final assignment data can be properly managed and accessed through
internet media and in building this system researchers use the Software Development
Life Cycle (SDLC) with the waterfall approach method, namely analysis, design,
implementation and testing. By using this method, it can increase the efficiency of
the average time than before. As well as saving costs for other needs in making thesis
report data and facilitating the management of final project information data.


GS Cited Analysis


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How to Cite

Nugraha, Y. . (2023). Web-Based Thesis Management Information System Design . Sinkron : Jurnal Dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika, 6(4), 2602-2612. https://doi.org/10.33395/sinkron.v7i4.12244