Application of Market Basket Analysis on Beauty Clinic to Increasing Customer’s Buying Decision


  • Rafi Dio Institut Teknologi Batam, Batam, Indonesia
  • Aulia Agung Dermawan Institut Teknologi Batam
  • Dimas Akmarul Putera Institut Teknologi Batam, Batam, Indonesia




Rapid Miner, FP-Growth, Association Rule, Market Basket Analysis, Promotion, Clinic


Beauty care and the need for cosmetics have become the lifestyle of modern women, especially in big cities. Public awareness to look beautiful makes modern women competing to take care of themselves to be more beautiful. The body care industry in Indonesia continues to grow. The growth has reached 6% and is predicted to continue to grow along with the high concern of Indonesian women in caring for their skin. To win the competition, companies need to know the market and consumer situation. One strategy that can be applied by the company is to use a promotional or advertising strategy. This research was conducted at the Ariana Audy beauty clinic in 2022 with the aim of identifying customer buying patterns which will then be used as reference material in the development of promotional menus for products and services offered by the beauty clinic. The approach used to design components on the promotional menu is Market Basket Analysis by applying the fp-growth algorithm using rapid miner software. Market basket analysis is focused on finding relationships between products based on customer purchases. The market basket analysis conducted resulted in 5 association rules that define consumer purchasing patterns for products and services provided by the Ariana Audy clinic. Through the 5 association rules formed, 3 promotional menus were produced, namely menu 1 consisting of baby skin crystal and oxy blue cream, menu 2 consisting of brightening cream products and sunscreen brightening, and menu 3 consisting of oxy jet peel and photodynamic therapy.

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How to Cite

Dio, R. . ., Dermawan, A. A., & Putera, D. A. . (2023). Application of Market Basket Analysis on Beauty Clinic to Increasing Customer’s Buying Decision. Sinkron : Jurnal Dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika, 7(3), 1348-1356.