A proposed User-Based Approach for eBooks Recommendation Using a Weighted Nearest Neighbor Technique


  • Abdullah Mohammed Saleh College of Computer Sciences and Mathematics, University of Mosul, Nineveh, Iraq
  • Alaa Yaseen Taqa College of Education for Pure Sciences, University of Mosul, Nineveh, Iraq




Book-Crossing, Collaborative filtering, eBooks recommender, KNN with Weight, Pearson correlation, User-Based


Large book data stores were beneficial for our support systems but posed significant challenges for useful information retrieval. This issue was resolved by collaboratively filtering data depending on user needs. This study suggested a user-based methodology for recommending eBooks. The selected dataset was pre-processed, and Cross-validation was used to build a user-user similarity matrix. Three nearest neighbor algorithms (KNN Basic, KNN with Means and KNN with ZScore) were  used, and weighted KNN was proposed for rating prediction. In this technique, the weight of each user was calculated based on its distance from the intended user. The evaluation process depends on the user-item matrix and user-user matrix for prediction. The proposed recommendation system was tested on the book-crossing dataset, and the results were evaluated using the root mean square error and the mean absolute value of error. The results show that the error rate of the proposed model is the lowest compared to the other methods used, specifically when using the Pearson-Baseline technique. Since the root mean square error is 1.647 and the mean absolute value of errors is 1.253. When using the cosine technique, the root mean square error is 1.742, and the mean absolute value of errors is 1.328.

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How to Cite

Saleh, A. M. ., & Taqa , A. Y. . (2023). A proposed User-Based Approach for eBooks Recommendation Using a Weighted Nearest Neighbor Technique. Sinkron : Jurnal Dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika, 7(3), 1316-1325. https://doi.org/10.33395/sinkron.v8i3.12441