Prediction of the Human Development Index for Equitable Development in West Sumatra Province Using the C4.5 Algorithm


  • Weri Sirait Universitas Metamedia
  • Nur Azizah Universitas Metamedia




Prediction; Human Development Index; Data Mining; C4.5


Unequal development in Indonesia can be seen from the Human Development Index. The Human Development Index is a tool used to measure the attainment of the quality of life of a region or country and as material for economic policy on quality of life. It contains components of health level, education level and welfare level. In 2022, West Sumatra Province achieved the 9th highest Human Development Index in Indonesia, namely 73.26, with this figure the West Sumatra Province Human Development Index is above the national average. However, there are still regencies/cities in West Sumatra Province that have achievements below the national average. This factor causes the development conditions in West Sumatra Province to be uneven. Uneven human development conditions will make it difficult for the government to improve Human Resources (HR). In this research, the C45 Data Mining Algorithm was implemented to predict the Regency/City Human Development Index in West Sumatra Province. As is the method of the Central Bureau of Statistics in measuring the Human Development Index, the variables used from the Human Development Index indicators are Life Expectancy, Years of School Expectation, Average Length of Schooling, and Per Capita Expenditures. The Central Statistics Agency data used in this research covers all regencies/cities in West Sumatra during the period 2018-2022. Range levels are grouped into three groups, namely, low, medium, and high. Based on testing using RapidMiner software with the Cross Validation operator, an accuracy value of 86.61% was obtained.

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How to Cite

Sirait, W., & Azizah, N. . (2023). Prediction of the Human Development Index for Equitable Development in West Sumatra Province Using the C4.5 Algorithm. Sinkron : Jurnal Dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika, 7(4), 2179-2189.