Convolutional Neural Network Activation Function Performance on Image Recognition of The Batak Script


  • Abdul Muis Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Elviawaty Muisa Zamzami Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Erna Budhiarti Nababan Universitas Sumatera Utara




Deep Learning, Convolutional Neural Network, Activation Function, tanH, ReLU.


Deep Learning is a sub-set of Machine learning, Deep Learning is widely used to solve problems in various fields. One of the popular deep learning architectures is The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), CNN has a layer that transforms feature extraction automatically so it is widely used in image recognition. However, CNN's performance using the tanh function is still relatively low, therefore it is necessary to select the right activation function to improve accuracy performance. This study analyzes the use of the activation function in image recognition of the Batak script. The result of this study is that the CNN model using the ReLU and eLU functions produces the highest accuracy compared to the CNN model using the tanh function. The CNN model using eLU produces the best accuracy performance in the training process, which is 99.71% with an error value of 0.0108. Meanwhile, in the testing process, the highest accuracy value is generated by the CNN Model using the ReLU function with an accuracy of 94.11%, an error value of 0.3282, a precision value of 0.9411, a recall of 0.9411, and an f1-score of 0.9416.

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How to Cite

Muis, A., Zamzami, E. M. ., & Erna Budhiarti Nababan. (2024). Convolutional Neural Network Activation Function Performance on Image Recognition of The Batak Script. Sinkron : Jurnal Dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika, 8(1), 182-195.