SIAKAD Mobile With API Service To Improve Academic Services


  • Amir Mahmud Husein Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Andre Juan Simanjuntak Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Candra Julius Sinaga Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Mei Monica Tampubolon Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Priskila Natalia C. Situmorang Universitas Prima Indonesia




Developing SIAKAD (commonly called SIAM, Student Academic Information System) Mobile using API Service to improve academic services for students is the goal of researchers doing so because it supports the implementation of education to create better information distribution services for everyone who wants access to it. And this also has an impact on academic performance, it is easier to organize lecturer attendance schedules, value recapitulation, and so on. Conventional SIAKAD (SIAM) which can be accessed via a computer or laptop has limited accessibility and practicality, which can hinder students from accessing academic information flexibly. Therefore, after researchers have examined and paid attention to several systems that can be implemented to assist users in accessing them, the development of SIAKAD in the form of a mobile application is a solution to increasing accessibility and ease of access to academic information. The API service is used as a communication bridge between the SIAKAD mobile application and the backend system. Through this, the Mobile Application can communicate (send requests and receive responses from the backend system) quickly and efficiently. But to shorten the application development time we use the SCRUM method and for the business process model, we use BPMN to create, design and design this application. The results of this study the authors see a compare of the time that can increase after using Mobile in access SIAKAD (SIAM).

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How to Cite

Husein, A. M., Simanjuntak, A. J., Sinaga, C. J., Tampubolon, M. M. ., & Situmorang, P. N. C. . (2024). SIAKAD Mobile With API Service To Improve Academic Services. Sinkron : Jurnal Dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika, 8(2), 641-650.

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